Friday, 4 December 2015

Unemployment and Psychological Degeneration

The life ahead is going to rather harder for those craving for employment.It is likely to be never like what we witness today.Most apparently,unemployment will hit us so hard .The hell we go through today is just minute.It's evident that we will have to be the victim of this growing brunt. Environment we aspire to see in the job market will remain just as wish.We will see our dream just perpetuating as we pass by.Let's now be psychologically strong and extraordinarily vigilant.

Never be tired of dreaming.Situation is too heartless to pity your tiredness.The very aspiration of being welcomed by job someday will have to be held on.Our target is far beyond and will have to keep hoping.Things are going to be further complicated.We will see huge chunk of our cluster exponentially growing.The toll will rise year by year.No doubt competiton will turn hugely intense.Will we be able to keep our dreams alive? I, for one really wonder.It needs immediate attention.We must care this as much as we hope for so-called employment

I know it's easier said than done.When wish remains just as wish and find no hope,we find no faith and confidence in ourselves.We then turn blind to real essence of life.Grappling the life proceedings in such situation is quite challenging.Inspite of being not able to prove with all we have, what if we get worsened? Better we cramp those pressures with trust and self-confidence.And it's high time that we wake up and redefine our understanding about employment.Let's not conclude it as the worst humanitarian problem.We now have to look for livelihood than employment.

The life before was hard.We bore huge struggle.Starting kindergarten till graduation, we experienced more world of hardship than comfort.It's never pinnacle of learning though.We always wished  to become someone doing something worth in life.Accordingly, we have set goals and zealously worked hard. We have now entered the world we always dreamt for.However,we are yet to achieve those goals.Things we experience today is in complete opposition to what we dreamt.What do you think is the drawback here? Who should be held respobsible?

Being not able to find job of choice,we hardly gather guts to dream beyond. We see everything beyond our reach.We see life which is  too harsh to be pictured before our innocent eyes.Very often, we find ourselves ill-prepared for such world.Consequently, we tend to create mountain out of hill and find no ray of light in  living.In actuality, we are degrading ourselves.We  fail to see ourselves disdaining the beauty of existence.There is need of a change within ourselves.It's embarrassing to see huge chunk of us amalgamating our dream for job and  identity of being educated.Remember we are educated not just for the sake of employment.

Our society is as tiny as it ought to be.It is yet to attain the stage where unemployment can be seen as issue. For now unemployment doesn't qualify to be a problem.Taking our size, population,economic growth,and societal transformations into consideration,I personally feel it's kinda blind to construe unemployment as huge problem.It's not the problem that troubles us in life.But our attitude and thinking towards it.It depends upon the way we take it and handle.Change is not too far to be attained.We can address and bring improvement .Whenever we are not able to tackle the problem, we must  think that we are capable of bringing change.

Society like ours needs to be lifted than to be pressurized for personal gain.National issues should be taken and dealt positively.It can't be solved in one go.It requires each and everyone's involvement and contribution.We must partake. We have roles to play for we are part of society.The time has come when we should be both pragmatic and assertive in our approach.Citizens of any age, status,knowledge, position and capacity must unite and cooperate in understanding the societal concerns.And we must contribute in our own little ways.In togetherness, we can address any kind of issue not just unemployment.Who are we waiting for to solve our societal problem?

Unemployment, I find is more of policy-oriented issue.Who is responsible for the shortcoming?We must now regret for we have left things upto the government.Owing to our relaxation in past, we are today punished with huge brunt.Everyone thought government would lead us right.We have been so complacent.We paid no heed to their doings and proceedings.Who are to be blamed for today's crisis? We must blame ourselves for being carefree in the past.Believe me, we have abundant resources and sectors to absorb double the job seekers than we have today.We experience hell of it just because we lack proper planning and policy.Things are not in place and play.We need reform in system.We are too early to face unemployment.

Majority of youth today give  much stress in the name of employment.They feel doomed and dejected.They are governed more by hopelessness than hope and motivation.Scarcity of jobs,tough competition in job market,modern challenges and hard livelihood have always shattered their interest,dream and motivation.Sadly,many of them become pychologically and intellectually weak day by day.Finding no lacuna to expose and utilise their knowledge,potentiality and strength,they loose self-confidence and repect for what they are capable of.It's is truly the psychological degeneration taking root among our youths.We can't let it happen and grow bigger.

Going by the simple research which I  have conducted using secondary data and findings,it is observed that vast majority of our youth today  pursue education with prime goal of achieving employment.I wish we have better education system to groom our young schoolers in better way and engrossed world.We want to see more reforms in the current system.We shan't let them strict just to the dream of career.Youths are custodian and transformer of society.They must be made adversely equipped with values,wisdom,calibre and sense of motivation to contribute towards social change. Similarly, they must be  made socially and psychologically adaptable in any ways.Most importantly,they must be attitudinally positive and forthcoming. For those young school goers and collegians, my message would be to school for bigger pictures of society rather than dreaming just for employment.

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